Saturday, July 11, 2009

From Bad To Worse

It has been more than one months since we were last together ... And from there , things have changed a lot since . I felt a distance between she and I . I felt that she would never understand how I feel here . I just don't know why ... But everytime she made a small mistakes , I would be very pissed off ... Honestly , I don't want to . But I just did . I just felt so without any reasonable reason . It's not fair to her . She is also feeling the pain as I am . But I feel that since I left Penang , I care less of her although I do care about her . To make things worse , she often make small minor mistakes when talking to me , which to be honset , I don't enjoy at all . Besides , recently , I don't know it's either me or her , one of us changed . Differently , somehow or other , we can't really communicate very well lately . For example , just now , I had a conversation with her . She just got home . Just bath . We chat ... Not even 5 minutes later , I am already feeling the tension in the air . I just don't enjoy chatting with her . It's sad to be thinking of that . Because I really really really want to chat nicely and happily with her . However , everytime we chat , everything just gone wrong like that without warning . And most of the time , she never even thought it was her fault . Maybe it was mine . Maybe the both of us have changed since we set apart almost one and a half month ago . She told me she had changed ... Well , I do admit that . But into someone better . I am not sure ... She never hang up my phone back then , but now , it's very common . She is also very keen into raising her voice at me , so do I . Both of us were not like that . She can just leave me and ignore me , which I think is the part destroying our realtionship . What really differentiate her now from her old self is that she can be rude to me when she wants to . She told me many times that she will not be like that anymore . But everytime , there's another time . She is not the soft female that I knew her to be . She is not afraid of me anymore , but could stand against me . She is not a weak female that i want anymore , she is too strong for me . She is just different ... Or is it me that is different ...? Although I really don't want this relationship to end , but my feelings is telling me that it's going to . I can be different for her . But then , I don't think I will ... .. . I think this is it ... .. .

1 comment:

  1. I quite agree with u. Distance love is not as easy as u think. Both of u must tolerate with each other although most all of us can't. Chatting online or phone call isn't the best way to maintain your relationship with her. Girls usually need more caring and love from their boyfriend especially. They want to be with u all the time, not watching u, but to approach u.
    However, sometimes girls are not so understanding. They always think in the way they think, never think of us.
    Love is unconditional sacrification of both. Both of u must forgone something in order to maintain the relationship.
    This is just a part of my experience, I think its all nonsense...
